ENG: Hi beautiful ladies... One more dress from Gamiss find place in my closet. Like you already know I order from Gamiss and I was pleased with service and products. This time I choose Black and White Striped Dress - LINK. I order dress in size L, but I miss this time, I need to chose my size (size M) because dress is made from stretchy material. I can wear this one with a belt, and it will be fine. You can find big gold zipper on the back and plated bottom part of the dress. Material is soft and I love this bigger stripes. Definitely you can pair this with simple espadrilles and leather jacket for every day, and heels when you need to dress up. On the back stripes did not mach, but I do not mind that. Dress is really beautiful, and length is just bellow knee.
HR: Ćao prekrasne dame... Još jedna haljinica s online stranice Gamiss je pronašla mjesto u mom ormaru. Kao što već znate naručivala sam i prije s ove stranice, i bila sam jako zadovoljna i proizvodima i uslugom. Ovog puta sam uzela haljinu na crno-bijele pruge - LINK. Naručila sam veličinu L, i malo sam mašila ovog puta, trebala sam uzeti svoj broj (M) jer haljina ima elastina. Ali ipak ju mogu nositi s kajišem, onda mnogo lijepše pada. Haljina je ugodnoh materijala, ima zlatni zip duž cijelih leđa, i sviđaju mi se ove veće pruge. Odlična mi je za svaki dan na neke espadrile i kožnu jaknicu ili za neku elegantniju verziju sa štiklama. Na zadnjem dijelu haljine prugice se ne popudaraju (i kod njih na stranici je realna slika- tako da sam znala) i meni iskreno ne smeta, i dužina haljine je po koljenu ako ste iznad 170 cm, ili malo ispod koljena ako ste ispod 170 cm.
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