četvrtak, 31. kolovoza 2017.

Black Satin Tracksuit - Rosegal


ENG: Hi girls, this time I have sport wear for you. Like you can see on the pictures I wear Black Satin Tracksuit from Rosegal - LINK. I chose this location on fresh air in a small village Lipa in Bosnia and Hercegovina and I really love this old houses and old stones. I think that tracksuit is perfect for easy walk on fresh air with great pair of sneakers. This tracksuit is really made from thin material so it can be perfect for those summer windy day. You can order this tracksuits in 3 colors: black, green and purple. Both parts has pockets, and jacket has zipper. Easy outfit for casual day in nature.

HR: Ćao cure, danas imam nešto sportsko za vas. Kao što možete vidjeti na slici riječ je o crnoj satenskoj trenerci sa online stranice Rosegal - LINK. Izabrala sam lokaciju na sviježem zraku u malom selu Lipa u Bosni i Hercegovini jer jako volim ove stare kuće, stari kamen i opcenito građevine koje nas vode nekako u prošlost. Mislim da je trenerka pravi izbor za laganu šetnju u prirodi naravno uz neke udobne patike. Trenerka je napravljena od jako tankog maetrijal, baš za one ljetne dane kada ima malo vjetrića. Može se naručiti u 3 boje: crnoj, zelenoj i ljubičastoj. Oba dijela imaju džepove i gornji dio je na zip, meni odlično za šetnju u prirodi.







 Tracksuit / Trenerka: LINK - Rosegal
Sneakers / Patike: Local Store (Montana)
Sunglasses / Naočale: CM

nedjelja, 27. kolovoza 2017.

Maxi Floral Dress - DressLily


ENG: Hi girls, one more outfit with maxi dress is here. I really love maxi dresses and I wear them mostly at hot summer days. This time I wear this Floral Maxi Dress from DressLily - LINK. I wear this on a wedding and I pair it with lace up sandals and sunglasses with orange-purple mirror. Dress is really light, has v neck and ties around waist. You need to wear slip under dress because it is really see-throw. I really love this trend with long sleeves and they can be really expensive so definitely check dresses on DressLily online store.
 P.S. My cat really love to be on photos with me :)

HR: Ćao cure, danas ide još jedan outfit s dugom haljinom. Ja stvarno volim duge haljine i jako ih često nosim ljeti. Ova duga cvijetna haljina je s DressLily online trgovine - LINK. Nosila sam ju na vjenčanje i kombinirala sam je s crnim sandalama i sunčanim naočalama koje imaju narandžasto- ljubičasta stakla. Haljina je stvarno lagana, ima v izrez i veže se oko pasa. Bitno je znati da je haljina prozirna pa ispod obavezno morate imati postavu. Ovaj tip dugih haljina s dugim rukavima je postao veliki trend, pa im cijene znaju biti jako visoke, zato svakako preporučujem da ovakve haljine pogledate na DressLily stranici.
P.S. Mačak se jednostavno morao slikati sa mnom :)







Maxi Dress / Duga haljina - LINK DressLily
Sandals / Sandale - LINK Banggood
Sunglasses / Naočale - LINK Cndirect

subota, 26. kolovoza 2017.

Polka Dots Maxi Dress - Zaful


ENG: Hi girls, today I want to show you my outfit with amazing Maxi Polka Dots Dress from Zaful - LINK. I bought this dress for only 4.99 $ + free shipping and I am really thrilled with quality and design. Dress has pockets and zipper on the back, it is not see throw at all and it´s really perfect for hot summer days. I combine this dress with lace bralett, lace up sandals and vintage backpack. You can find really amazing deals on Zaful so definitely check them out.

HR: Ćao cure, danas vam želim pokazati jednu zanimljivu kombinaciju s novom maxi haljinom s točkastim uzorkom sa stranice Zaful - LINK. Haljinu sam uzela za svega 4.99 $ s besplatnom poštarinom i stvarno sam oduševljena s kvalitetom i dizajnom. Ima džepove, zip na ledjima, i ni malo nije prozirna. Odličan izbor za vruće ljetne dane. Ja sam je kombinirala s braletom, sandalama i jednim vintage rusakom. Još odličnih stvari možete pronaći na stranici Zaful.





Maxi dress / Duga haljina - LINK-Zaful
Vintage Backpack / Rusak - Paolo Mancini
Sandals / Sandale - LINK-Banggood
Lace Bralett / Čipkasti top - LINK-Cndirect
Sunglasses / Naočale - CM

ponedjeljak, 14. kolovoza 2017.

Embroidered Crop Top - DressLily


ENG: Hi everybody. Today I have interesting and beautiful mesh shirt from DressLily - LINK. Embroidery is huge trend right now so I bought a lot embroidered clothes, this cropped shirt is really amazing. Flowers are really pretty and colorful and you can easily mach this shirt with denim, skirts, shorts, everything... I am in love. Sizes are correct so M fit perfectly for me. I mach this with velvet dark green skirt and I think that this looks amazing. Visit DressLily for more great deals.

HR: Pozdrav svima. Danas imam jednu zanimljivu i prelijepu majicu s DressLily strance - LINK. Ovaj vezeni print je jako popularan trenutno, ja imam jako puno odjeće s tim printom pa sam se odlučila i za ovu crnu prozirnu majicu s izvezenim cvijetovima. Može zaista na sve, od traperica, sukanja, šorceva...Što se mjera tiče odgovaraju našima, pa M odgovara savršeno meni. Ja sam je sparila s plišanom tamno zelenom suknjom i mislim da izgleda odlično. Svakako posjetite DressLily i pogledajte odličnu ponudu.



Shirt / Majica: LINK
Skirt / Suknja: LINK
Boots / Čizme: LINK

četvrtak, 10. kolovoza 2017.

Back to School Wishlist - Zaful


ENG: Hi girls, Back to School wish list is here. Zaful made amazing offer in back to school program so all stuff from they online store are Free Shipping Worldwide. You can find everything to have beautiful and fashionable outfit in school. You can also find a lot off accessories, like backpacks, sunglasses, hats, jewelry... Prices are so low that you can bought amazing and quality pieces for few dollars. Definitely use this promotion and find great stuff for yourself, I know that I already have full bag on Zaful.

HR: Ćao cure, Back to School lista želja je tu. Zaful je napravio odličnu ponudu za program povratka u školu, tako da na sve što želite naručiti imate besplatnu dostavu širom svijeta. Možete pronaći različite stvari da izgledate lijepo i moderno. Također osim odjeće tu su i modni dodaci, kao što su naočale, rusaci, nakit... Cijene su jako niske, a po dosadašnjom iskustvu kvaliteta je jako dobra, a i svari su jako moderne. Svakako iskoristite ovu njihovu ponudu, ja znam da je moja korpica već puna.


Bracelet Set - LINK

 Sunglasses -  LINK 

Floral Dress - LINK

White Embroidery Blouse - LINK

Leather Printed Backpack - LINK 

ponedjeljak, 7. kolovoza 2017.

Frayed Jeans - DIY

ENG: Hello my lovely girls, today I want to show you one more easy DIY project. Huge trend now in 2017 are frayed jeans, so you can easily make it with your old jeans that you do not like anymore. I buy this jeans cheaply in Azel France and now I have trendy frayed jeans. You just need to cut edge on the bottom and make stripes like you see on the picture. After you done all the work you need to wash it and dry in drying machine so that stripes become more ruffle. That is it you can make your own frayed jeans for free.

HR: Ćao drage cure, danas za vas imam još jedan lagani -uradi sam- projekt. Veliki trend 2017-te su ove jeans hlače s čupavim, iskidanim dnom. Možete ih vrlo lako napraviti od hlača koje vam se više ne sviđaju. Ja sam svoje kupila u Azel France trgovini jako jeftino i od njih napravila ovekve hlače. Sve što trebate je odrezati dno hlača i isječi ih na tanke pruge. Kad ste gotovi operete ih i osušite u sušilici da se napravi ovo čupavo dno. Jako jednostavno i besplatno, dobijete nove hlače koje su jako moderne za džaba.

srijeda, 2. kolovoza 2017.

DERMACOL Base and Foundation


ENG: Hi girls... Today I will write about famous and the most pigmented foundation ever - DERMACOL. This new foundation is made in EU ( Czech Republic ) if we talk about original Dermacol, and also you can find copy on ebay and similar stores ( but the formula is not the same). I choose 4 g packing because I want to try few colors. Also you can order full size foundation ( 30g ) and smaller tester foundation (0,5g) which is I believed enough for one use. I choose colors 207, 208 and 212 and I am wearing on the pictures down bellow 207 and it is a little bit dark for me I believed that 208 will be perfect for me. I have really sensitive skin so I never sun my face so be aware when you chose your color. They recommend to use base first and they send me base tester for free, after that foundation and setting powder. Foundation looks much better with base, and I use essence matt powder for setting. I agree that this foundation is the most pigmented and coverage, but for me this is for weddings, proms, and similar special occasion, it can be maybe little to much for every day. Foundation has SPF 30 which is really great for summer to protect your face. It is very light on face, and if you have oily skin you will need that matt setting powder. It is perfect for covering everything, you do not need concealer, or any color correcting creams... I will definitely order full size in 208 (if you have really light skin like me). Huge recommendation especially for special occasion.

HR: Ćao cure... Danas ću vam pisati o popularnom puderu koji ima najveći pigment do sada, a to je - DERMACOL. Ovaj puder je napravljen u EU (Češkoj) i to je zapravo orginal, možete pronaći i razne kopije na ebayu, i sličnim stranicama ali sastav nije isti kao ni prekrivna moć. Ja sam naručila 3 nijanse i izabrala sam verziju od 4 grama da bi isprobala više boja. Također tu možete naručiti i veliko pakiranje od 30 grama i mini pakiranje od 0,5 grama koje je zapravo i dovoljno za jednu upotrebu. Ja sam uzela boje 207, 208 i 212, a na slikama dolje sam probala 207 i mrvicu mi je tamna, mislim d će 208 biti odlična za mene. Ja imam jako osjetljivu kožu i lice nikad ne izlažem suncu, a inače sam jako svijetla pa zato ova nijansa meni odgovara. Oni preporučuju korištenje baze (prajmera) koji sam ja i dobila u obliku testera od njih za probu, zatim puder i onda matirajući puder, ja sam na slici koristila essence. Puder sve prekriva, ne treba vam korector ili neke kreme protiv crvenila, i sl. aspolutno sve prekriva i to malom količinom, ali po meni više je za specijalne prilike nego za svaki dan. On je jako lagan na licu i dobra stvar je što ima SPF 30 pa vas štiti od sunca, ali meni bi bio malo previše ipak za svaki dan. Ogromna prekrivna moć, jako mala količina pudera se troši, SPF i ostale karakeristike ga s razlogom čine popularnim. Ja ću svakako sebi naručiti veću verziju u 208 nijansi iako mi ova 3 od 4 grama će sigurno potrajati. Ogromna preporuka pogotovo za make-up za posebne prilike, i ja iskreno prepoučujem da kupite orginal.

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