četvrtak, 23. veljače 2017.

Velvet Pleated Midi Skirt - Zaful


ENG: Hello, people... This time I have amazing skirt from Zaful - LINK for review. Velvet is huge trend right now, so I decided to order this Dark Green Midi Skirt - LINK, skirt is pleated, color is dark green and length is midi. You can order this skirt in 3 sizes and 2 colors: dark green and dark blue. Skirt is really quality made, it has black slip and zipper on side with one bbutton. Skirt has really nice details, and they watch on every single detail. Amazing velvet material, perfect fit, huge reccomadation!

HR: Ćao ljudi... Ovog puta recenzija je o suknji sa stranice Zaful - LINK. Pliš (velur) je postao veliki trend trenutno, tako da sam i ja sebi naručila jednu plišanu plisiranu suknju - LINK. Usknja je plisirana, materijal je pliš, a dužina ispod koljena (midi). Može se naručiti u 2 boje: tamno plavoj i samaragdno zelenoj i 3 veličine. Suknja je jako kvalitetna, ima crnu postavu i zip sa strane gdje ima i mali dugmić. Stvarno su pazili na svaki detalj prilikom izrade. Od mene ogromna preporuka!




subota, 18. veljače 2017.

StyleWe and JustFashionNow


ENG: Hi my girls, today I have wish list from two online stores - StyleWe and JustFashionNow.
You already sow few post about great and fashionable close from StyleWe and I find one more similar online store which also has amazing close pieces and here you can Learn More About JustFashionNow, I am in love with there crop-tops. On the other side StyleWe online store has amazing Sports Tops and amazing price for them. I chose few items from both side that I love and I will show them on the pictures down bellow, and I will leave all links bellow pictures.
Also if you have wedding soon they have amazing tips for you - Wedding Guest Etiquette & Clothing Tips you can find great pictures and really useful tips, so definitely check them out.

 Copyright - Nita

utorak, 14. veljače 2017.

Warm Beautiful Blanket - GAMISS


ENG: Hi, my lovely readers... Today I will show you the warmest blanket ever - LINK, I ordered this blanket from cool online store GAMISS - LINK. You can choose 5 sizes for this blanket, I chose XL size (200x230 cm) and this is size for big bad. I can not describe you how soft and warm this blanket is. I use it every day since I received my package, you can wash it in washing machine on temperature 30 degree. Blanket has amazing blue and brown print, and light beige background. I am really impressed with this item. If you are interested in this kind of items you can find many more blanket here: LINK. My blanket cost only 15 $ and from me it has huge recommendation.  

HR: Ćao moji dragi čitatelji... Danas vam želim prestaviti najtopliju deku ikad - LINK, naručila sam je s online stranice GAMISS - LINK. Možete izabrati 5 veličine za ovu deku, ja sam uzela XL veličinu što je 200x230 cm i moja je za bračni krevet. Ono što me iznenadilo je da je deka nenormalno topla i mekana. Odkad sam ju dobila stalno ju vučem za sobom, stvarno je odlične kvalitete. Može se prati u mašini na 30 stupnjeva. Ima divni plavo - smeđi print na bež podlozi. Ja sam stvarno s ovom dekom oduševljena, još dekica možete vidjeti ovdje: LINK. Ova deka je koštala svega 15 $, od mene ima najveću preporuku ikad!






subota, 11. veljače 2017.

Wish list - Sammydress


ENG: Hi girls, today I made one wish list from online store SAMMYDRESS. This time I chose some items that are huge trend in 2017: velvet, chokers, flowers, fur balls... All these items are super affordable and you can order it right now, these online stores ship around whole world. Items are really quality and trendy, so take you chance and order it right now. You can also find amazing Lace Dresses With Sleeves for every trendy woman.

Wave Choker Necklace 


    Faux Leather Pompon Handbag

Midi Velvet Dress 

    Heel Sandals

srijeda, 8. veljače 2017.

Burgundy Blouse - Zaful


ENG: Hi, one more review from Zaful - LINK is here. This time I chose beautiful Burgundy Lace Blouse - LINK. Blouse is really beautiful and fashionable, it has long sleeves, lace detailing around neck. Material is soft and flattering. I chose size M and it is true to size. You can order this blouse in 3 different colors: black, white and burgundy. I am really happy that I found this blouse, it is perfect to get dress for every occasion

HR: Ćao, danas je još jedna recenzija s online trgovine Zaful - LINK. Ovog puta riječ je o predivnoj bordo bluzi s detaljima čipke - LINK. bluzica je stvarno lijepa, ima duge rukave (dovoljno duge i za nas) i čipkaste detalje oko vrata. Materijal je lagan i jako lijepo pada, i veličine odgovaraju našim, uzela sam M veličinu i odlično mi odgovara. Možete naručiti ovu bluzicu u 3 boje: crna, bijela i bordo. Ja sam stvarno zadovoljna, jako lijepa bluzica za svaku prigodu.





subota, 4. veljače 2017.

Zaradi!!! - JaZnam


Ako do sada niste čuli za JaZnam - LINK onda je ovo pravo vrijeme da se učlanite. Naime radi se o panelu koji provodi marketinška istraživanja tako što vam pošalju razne ankete na vaš e-mail i vi popunjanjem tih anketa osvajate bodove. Kada osvojite dovoljan broj bodova ide isplata.
Kao što iz priloženog vidite ja sam odabrala isplatu na račun ( 30 KM sam zaradila) a svega sam par anketa popunila. Vi osim isplate u novcu možete izabrati: nadopune za mobitel, razne vaučere za kupovine u mnogim trgovinama; tipa DM i sl; raznim interent trgovinama...
Isplate se vrše 4 puta godišnje, i ja sam s ovim člankom na blogu čekala svoju prvu isplatu da se uvjerim u vjerodostojnost same stranice. Priložila sam screenshot svoje uplata (mobilno bankarstvo) koja je legla prije koji dan.
Sve što trebate je registrirati se sa svojom e-mail adresom i čekati da vam na e-mail spreme ankete. TO JE SVE!!!



četvrtak, 2. veljače 2017.

Bow Tied Neck Dress - DressLily


ENG: Hi girls, one more interesting dress is here for new review. This time I ordered this from store DressLily - LINK. Like you can see on the main pictures I ordered Army Green Bow Tied Shirt Dress - LINK. You can order this dress only in this army green color but they sell this dress in 5 sizes (S - 2XL). I chose size M and it fit me ok, maybe will be better in size L just for bust area, other parts are ok. Dress is long enough in front, and back size is like 15 cm longer. Sleeves are little bit short like 3-4 cm missing but you can wear it like 3/4 sleeves so it is ok. I really love the color and great thing is that this dress is almost for everybody because they sell it in almost all sizes.

HR: Ćao cure, danas je opet tu zanimljiva haljina za recenziju. Ovog puta je artikal naručen sa stranice DressLily - LINK. Kao što možete vidjeti na naslovoj slici riječ je o maslinastoj zelenoj bluzi/haljini - LINK. Ova haljina se može naručiti samo u maslinasto zelenoj boji ali u 5 veličina od S - 2XL. Ja sam uzela M i ok je, iako mislim da bi bila mrvu bolja L u predjelu grudi. Haljina je dovoljno duga naprijed, a zadnji kraj je svakako duži nekih 15tak cm. Rukavi su mrvu kratki, fali im 3-4 cm, ali se mogu nositi kao 3/4 pa dobro izgleda. Meni se jako svidio dizajn košulje/haljine i boja.


