utorak, 29. ožujka 2016.
Farmasi review, collab with Jelena
ENG: This is my first review for company Farmasi - LINK. One of Farmasi manager contact me for collaboration, so I decide to write review for Farmasi because I am amazed with quality, especially with matte lip gloss. You can contact this amazing girl here: Jelena Markić.
HR: Ovo je moja prva recenzija za kompaniju Farmasi - LINK. Jedna od Farmasi suradnica me kontaktirala za suradnju i odlučila sam napisati recenziju jer sam se iznenadila kvalitetom proizvoda, a posebno mat sjajila za usne. Ovu divnu curu možete kontaktirati na: Jelena Markić i naručiti sve novitete iz Farmasija.
ENG: This nail polish you can order in 8 different colors. Price is only 2,90 BAM on sale.
Super long lasting I'd say 5 days tops but repainting isn't a hassle since it dries super fast. I will definitely buy more off these in future. I really love this color, and I am happy with this nail polish.
Another item is nail polish removal with argan oil. This removal is quite well and nails looks healthy after using this nail removal. I am recommending both products.
HR: Ovaj lak za nokte možete naručiti u 8 različitih boja. Cijena je samo 2,90 KM na sniženju. Traje poprilično dugo čak do 5 dana, i suši se poprilično brzo. Boja je jako lijepa i postojana.
Drugi artikal je odstranjivač laka za nokte s arganovim uljem. Odstranjivač je je poprilično dobar, radi svoj posao a nokti nakon upotrebe izgledju zdravi zahvaljujući arganovom ulju. Preporučujem oba artikla.
ENG: This is my favorite item and I am in love with this amazing lip gloss and tooth gel. You can choose between 3 different colors of this lip gloss, and you can find this on sale for only 6,95 BAM. You need to put just one layer on your lips and wait about 30 sec and this lip gloss transform in matte lipstick. Tooth gel is made of white pearls and tea tree oil, and it helps you to whitening you teeth and for fresh breath. Big recommendation.
HR: Ovo mi je najdraži artikal iz cijele recenzije, radi se o mat sjajilu za usne i gelu za zube. Možete izabrati između 3 različite boje sjajila, a cijena na sniženju je samo 6,95 KM. Potrebno je nanijeti jedan tanki sloj sjajila i nakon 30tak sekundi on se na usnama pretvara u mat. Gel za zube je napravljen od bijelih bisera i ulja čajevca te služi za izbjeljivanje zubi kao i svjež dah. Moja velika preporuka.
ponedjeljak, 21. ožujka 2016.
Wishlist ( low price - amazing quality )
ENG: New wishlist is here... I choose few items to present you from online stores Dresslink - LINK and CNDirect - LINK. Do not forget to check out Flash sale and buy something for only 0.01 $ - Flash sale.
HR: Nova lista želja je tu... Danas sam izabrala par zanimljivih artikala s 2 online stranice, Dresslink - LINK and CNDirect - LINK. Ne zaboravite posjetiti svaki dan i Flash sale i izabrati nešto za svega 0,01 $ - Flash sale.
Jumpsuit / Kombinezon: LINK Leather jacket / Kožna jakna: LINK
Coin necklace / ogrlica: LINK Brushes / Kistići: LINK
Makeup palette / Paleta: LINK
srijeda, 16. ožujka 2016.
ENG: Hi grils,... Today I present you amazing online store called - Simple Dresses, and I want to show you few stunning prom / special occasion dresses in this post, especially Mermaid Prom Dresses.
HR: Ćao cure... Danas vam želim prestaviti odličnu online stranicu Simple Dresses, I želim vam pokazati neke od njihovih prekrasnih haljina za svečane prilike, kao i za maturu, pogotovo njihove Mermaid Prom Dress (haljine za maturu sirena kroja).
Stunning maxi black dress with lace details - Black lace - Simple dress
Prekrasna duga crna haljina s čipkom - Crna čipkana - Simple dress
Stunning burgundy dress (definitely my fav) - Burgundy lace - Simple dress
Prekrasna bordo crvena haljina koja je definitivno moj favorit - Čipkana bordo - Simple dress
Amazing light pink dress with gorgeous stones - Stunning pink - Simple dress
Prekrasna duga blijedo roza haljina s prekrasnim dijamantićima- Prekrasna roza - Simple Dress
subota, 12. ožujka 2016.
Wishlist for spring break :)
ENG: Hi girl, Sammydress - LINK has amazing spring stuff in offer, so I choose some of them which will be massive trend for spring 2016. Check it out:)
HR: Ćao cure, Sammydress - LINK ima odličnu ponudu za proljeće. Ja sam izdvojila par stvarčica da vam pokažem svoju listu želja za proljeće 2016. Pa pogledajte :)
ENG: Maxi dresses are still massive trend in fashion. So I add 2 more to my wishlist that I am looking for really long time. I have couple of them but I want to refresh my closet with 2 more, and I am in love with these two :) 1. dress - LINK - 2. dress - LINK
HR: Duge haljine su i dalje jako moderne, pa će tako ostati i u 2016. U svoju listu želja sam uvrstila i ove 2 haljine koje gledam već jako dugo. Imam ih puno u prmaru, ali pošto sam veliki ljubitelj dodat ću još i ove 2 u svoju kolekciju :) 1. haljina - LINK - 2. haljina - LINK.
ENG: I find perfect red flats for myself - so I add them in my wishlist. In this online store you can find different kind of heels, I choose this one because I really think that they are interesting and stylish.
1. flats - LINK - 2. heels - LINK.
HR: Našla sam za sebe i prekrasne crvene ravne cipelice s vezicama, kao i ove divne štikle. Na ovoj stranici imate jako puno obuće pa tako i razlih vrsta štiklica, meni su se ove činile zanimljive i neobične pa sam se odlučila za njih :) 1. crvene cipelice - LINK - 2. štikle - LINK.
ENG: I choose only one bag because this bag is everything that I am looking for right now. I want this color ( burgundy ), I want this circle shape and this big tassel detail on zipper. Pure perfection. 1. Bag - LINK
HR: Izabrala sam samo jednu torbu iz razloga što je ovo zapravo idealna torba kakvu sada tražim. Željela sam ovu bordo boju, ovaj kružni oblik torbe i ovaj detalj s resama. Sve sam to pronašla u ovoj torbi :) Torba - LINK
srijeda, 9. ožujka 2016.
2 Dresses and sunglasses
ENG: Hi people, today I will write about this 2 amazing dresses and leopard frame sunglasses.
First lets review this simple black dress - LINK. I ordered size L and it fit great on EU M, so follow size chart and find perfect measurements for you. This is loose fit dress and length is just above knee on my size (168 cm). Material is nice and thin but dress is not transparent at all, on the back you have silver zipper, and I really recommending this dress, now you can order it just for 3.79 $ on sale.
HR: Ćao ljudi, danas ću vam pisati o 2 haljine i sunčanim naočalama s leopard okvirom.
Prva na redu je mala crna haljinica - LINK. Naručila sam veličinu L i odlično odgovara za EU M, samo pratite mjere u tablici i nećete pogriješiti. Ova haljina nije uz tjelo nego kao opušeni kroj (širi) a dužina je iznad koljena na mojih 168 cm. Materijal je lijep, tanak je ali nije niti malo proziran. Nadaz ima srebrenkasti zipp do pola ledja. Moja preporuka za haljinu, pogotovo sada je još na sniženju za samo 3.79 $
ENG: Second item is this beige tunic/dress with lace details - LINK. I ordered size L and I am EU M (38) and sadly this tunic/dress is way to big for me. I gave it to my mom and she is EU 42-44, and it fit great on her. If you want to order this you need to take one size smaller than you normally wear. Otherwise tunic/dress is really nice, material is really stretchy, it is long enough to be a dress or tunic, and lace is quality made. Plus size girls have problem to find something online for them self so this can be perfect tunic/dress for them :) I grab this on flash sale for only 0.01 $ - follow flash sale every day here: LINK.
HR: Drugi artikal je ova bež tunika/haljina s čipkastim detaljem na dnu - LINK. Naručila sam veličinu L a ja sam EU M i ovo je baš preveliko za mene. Dala sam mami da proba (ona je EU 42-44) i njoj odlično veličina odgovara. Ako želite sebi naručiti trebate uzeti 1 veličinu manju tuniku od onoga što nosite, za mene bi bila S. Materijal je jako rastezljiv, dovoljno je dugo da može biti tunika/haljinica i čipka je lijepo napravljena. Ovo je jedna odlična stvarčica za cure koje nose veći broj, jer one često na internetu ne mogu pronaći nešto za sebe. Ja sam ovo ugrabila na flash sale-u za 0.01 $, svaki dan možete ugrabiti odlične stvari za te nocve, pa pratite ovdje: LINK.
ENG: Last item for this review is this leopard frame sunglasses - LINK. You can choose 8 different frames and colors, and I pick leopard print. I can tell you that this is way too quality for only 1.99 $. Price is really low for this items. So grab one before summer, you will be thrilled when you see quality.
HR: Zadnji artikal su ove sunčane naočale lopard okvira - LINK. Možete na stranici izabrati među 8 ražličitih boja i dezena. Po meni cijena ni malo nije realna za 1.99 $ dobijete predobre naočale koje su u trendu upravo sada. Cijena je zaista premala za ovu kvalitetu.
četvrtak, 3. ožujka 2016.
Hello Kitty brushes, nail decoration and amazing blue shirt
ENG: Hi guys, I bring you one more review today. First item is this blue - pink soft shirt with transparent shoulders - LINK. I order this shirt in blue color in size L, I want loose shirt so I choose L size and I am so happy with this item. Material is soft and very comfortable, just like warm cosy blanket. I really love this plaid pattern and you can also order this shirt in red color. The best part of this shirt is high-low design so you can wear it with legging, because back side is long enough to cover everything. Shoulders are transparent, and that makes this shirt very fashionable.
HR: Ćao ljudi, danas imam još jednu recenziju za vas. Prvi artikal je ova plavo - roza majica s prozirnim detaljima na ramenima - LINK. Naručila sam plavu boju, i veličinu L. Htjela sam malo širu majicu, da mi bude udobna i da mogu nositi ju na tajice. Materijal je predivan, jako mekan i udoban, baš kao one mekane karirane dekice, i jako je majica topla. Može se naručiti i u crvenoj boji s crnim kockicama, a najbolji dio je što je majica kraća naprijed, a nazad duža pa je idealna za tajice. Ramena imaju prozirni detalj što čini majicu još zanimljivijom i moćnijom :)
ENG: Second items are Hello Kitty pink brushes - LINK and small butterfly nail stickers - LINK.
Hello Kitty brushes cost only 2.30 $, - LINK and they are really amazing. Every single brush has Hello Kitty logo and on another side of brush you can see sign for which the troughs of the brushes. I am really happy with this set.
Butterfly nail stickers cost only 0.69 $ - LINK. I really like nail decoration so I want to try some new stickers, I found this for really low price and I am amazed how sweet they look on nails. Big recommendation.
HR: Drugi artikli su Hello Kitty set četkića - LINK i male leptiriće koji su naljepnice za nokte - LINK.
Hello Kitty četkice (kistići) koštaju samo 2.30 $ - LINK, i set od 7 dijelova je zaista odličan. Svaka četkica ima logo Hello Kitty i s druge strane piše za što četkica služi. Ja sam stvarno zadovoljna, set je jako sladak.
Naljepnice za nokte su u obliku zlatnih i srebrenih leptirića i koštaju samo 0.69 $ - LINK. Jako mi se sviđaju naljepnice izgledaju jako slatko na noktima. Moja preporuka.
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