ENG: I love everything denim for online stores, this time I have one more jeans to review for you. This time jeans are from online store called Rosegal ( LINK ). You can find many reviews on my blog from this amazing online store, because they have so many good stuff and price are so cheap.
This time size chart is NOT correct so my jeans ( LINK ) are too big on me, but I really love them so I will narrowed this pants around waist and hips, and wear them. They have broken hole on knee and also high waist. I love this light blue color and also this pants don´t have any pockets. I ordered size XL because of wrong size chart, and they really are for European L or XL, and I am EU M in bottoms, so you can see down bellow how they hit one me. But definitely recommending this, but you need to watch out about sizing.Price is so low just 14 $ + free shipping.
HR: Traper u bilo kojem obliku s online trgovina je odličan. Opet imam jedne jeans hlače recenzirati. Ovog puta hlače su s Rosegal stranice ( LINK ). Ovog puta sam naručila svijetlo plave traperice, dubokog struka, pokidane na koljenima ( LINK ). Problem ovog puta je što tablica s mjerama nije točna nikako, pa su mi hlače prevelike oko bokova i struka. Meni su hlače predobre pa sam ih odlučila suziti da mi odgovaraju, ali ako budete naručivali pazite na veličinu. Ja sam EU M, možda u nekim hlačama manji L, a ove hlače su za XL struk i bokove. Još uz to naravno imaju elastina malo.Što bi značilo da mjere odgovaraju našim. Hlače nemaju džepove ni nazad ni naprijed (što ćete vidjeti na slikama). Cijena je odlična 14 $ + besplatna poštarina.
Love those jeans!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPlease click on the link on my post
Thank you, jeans are great on Rosegal,
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour blog is also great :)
Prekrasne hlače, naručujem i ja sebi :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiLol, da super su :D