srijeda, 14. veljače 2018.

Avon and Rosegal

ENG: Hi, girls... Today I have some interesting new in from Avon and Rosegal. Firstly, I will write about this White Jewelry Organizer from Rosegal - LINK.  I chose this organizer in white color, but on the store you can order this in black color. I fall in love when I sow deer with this horns, and this looks really interesting and decorative in your room. I put bunch of jewelry on this horns like you can see on the picture. And I just love this, great find for me.

HR: Ćao cure... Danas imam zanimljive novitete iz Avona i s online stranice Rosegal. Prvo želim pisati o ovom super bijelom organizatoru nakita s Rosegala - LINK. Ja sam uzela ovaj u bijeloj boji, a imate još i u crnoj boji za naručiti. Jako mi se sviđio dizajn, gdje jelen s ogromnim rogovima leži i zapravo na te rogove vješate nakit. Meni je ovo jako lijepo i dekorativno za sobu, makeup stol... Kao što vidite ja sam poslagala dosta nakita i baš mi se sviđa kako izgleda. Odličan ulov za par dolara.

ENG: So, we can move on to AVON. Like you can already sow on my blog I have bunch of Avon nail polishes, but this time I received one really interesting color - Olive It, which is really interesting shade of green. At first I did not know if I will wear that, but after first wearing I just love it. Bottle contain 10 ml, and this is nail polish from Gel Shine line.

HR: Sada idemo na AVON. Kao što ste već mogli vidjeti na mom blogu, ja imam hrpu avonovih lakova, ali ovog puta sam dobila baš zanimljivu boju - Olive It, neka jako zanimljiva i neobična nijansa zelene. U početku nisam baš bila sigurna da li ću ga koristiti, ali nakon prvog nošenja mi se svidila. Bočica sadrži 10 ml i ovo je iz linije Gel Shine.

ENG: Next item is Perfume - Little Black Dress. This bottle contain 10 ml and this is for me one of the best perfume from Avon. I already have this perfume before and I really love it. You can see on the picture that I already spent 1/3.

HR: Sljedeći na redu je parfem -Little Black Dress. Bočica sadrži 10 ml i za mene je ovo jedan od najboljih avonovih parfema. Imala sam ga već i prije i baš mi je drago da sad opet sam ga dobila, kao što vidite na slici već ga je dobro otišlo.

ENG: Next one is something really new - Big Color Lip Tint Pen, in shades - Raspberry. This is really new for me, I never seen something like this for lips. Color is really beautiful, it is easy to apply on lips, and if you make mistake you need to remove it with moisturizing product. And it is important to apply on dry and clean lips. You can order bunch of another shades and this one really stands up.

HR: Ova stvarčica je zaista novo nešto na tržištu, riječ je o - Big Color Lip Tint Pen u nijansi - Raspberry. Ja ovakav ruž u olovci još nisam imala prilike vidjeti, tako da je ovo zaista novitet za mene. Bitno je nanijeti na suhe i čiste usne, ako slučajno prijeđete usnu i sl. trebate ukloniti ga s nekim vlažnim hidratantnim proizvodom, tipa micelarne vodice... Ova Raspberry nijansa je divna i baš se isteče.

ENG: Next one is also lip product, that is- Mat Liquid Lip, in shade - Head Turner. I already wear this mat lipstick in previous blog post and I really love it. Formula is really great, it stays on lips really long, and it is full mat. Color is really hot red, and I really need to say that this bottle is really practical. When I sow this first time, I think that I received one more nail polish ;)

HR: Sljedeći proizvod je opet za usne, riječ je o - Mat Liquid Lip, u nijansi - Head Turner. Već sam nosila ovaj ruž u predhodnom postu i baš mi se svidio. Formula mu je odlična, dugo stoji na usnama i potpuno je mat. Moja boja je baš ona jaka crvena, i moram reći da je pakiranje super, ali kad sam tek dobila proizvod mislila sam da se radi o laku za nokte ;)

ENG: Next product is for eyes, - Intense Kohl Longwear Eyeliner in black color. This is eyeliner with sponge for courage smokey eyes effect. I really love this product, I need new eyeliner so this came in right moment.

HR: Sljedeći proizvod je za oči, - Intense Kohl Longwear Eyeliner u crnoj boji. Ovaj eyeliner s jedne strane ima običnu olovku, a s druge strane ima spužvicu za odvažni smokey eye efekt. U potrazi sam bila za dobrim eyelinerom, pa je ovaj došao u pravo vrijeme.

ENG: And last item for this review is - Lightweight Cleansing Oil. This is makeup removal with cleansing oil and active seed complex. Remove make up really good and it is without parabens for sensitive skin.

HR: Zadnji artikal ove recenzije je - Lightweight Cleansing Oil. Ovo je zapravo lagano ulje za odstranjivanje šminke, bez parabena i namjenjeno osjetljivoj koži. Dobro skida šminku.

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