subota, 16. prosinca 2017.
New In from Yoins
ENG: Hi, my lovely girls. Today I want you to present one new online store called YOINS. Recently I discovered this store and I must tell you that they have amazing offer. I find so many cute crop tops for women, so many amazing dresses, pants, shirts, shoes... But this time I stick to tops, because I want few more cute tops. I love tops with lace up details, and also full lace tops, which are great for holidays right now for making some glamorous look. You definitely need to check fashion ladies blouses online and find something for yourself. I choose this time 4 great tops and put them in my shopping chart. I choose this military lace up top with long sleeves - LINK, you can order it in 8 different colors. Next I chose this white lace up crop top with black stripes - LINK, next one is black long sleeves lace shirt - LINK, you can order this one in 7 different colors and last one is this beautiful white lace blouse - LINK and they have this one in 4 colors. Definitely check out this online store, and find something for yourself, some little Christmas present.
HR: Ćao moje drage cure... Danas vam želim predstaviti jednu novu online trgovinu Yoins. Nedavno sam otkrila ovu trgovinu i moram vam reći da zaista ima odličnu ponudu. Našla sam jako puno odličnih majica, hlača, haljina, cipela... Ovog puta sam se držala topova jer mi treba koji novi za nadolazeće praznike. Sviđaju mi se ove čipkaste majice kao i ovi detalji na vezanje. Svakako trebate posjetiti na stranicu sekciju s majicama, topovima, košuljama jer imaju odličan izbor. Ja sam izabrala ova 4 topa i dodala ih u svoju košaricu. Prva je majica s vojničkim uzorkom s detaljem na vezivanje - LINK i možete ju naručiti u 8 boja, slijedeći je bijeli kraći top s crnim crtama također s vezivanjem - LINK, nakon toga ide crna čipkasta majica za malo svečanije kombinacije LINK i ona se može naručiti u 7 boja i zadnja mi je najljepša; bijela čipkasta majica - LINK koja se može naručiti u 4 boje. Svakako posjetite ovu stanicu i počastite sebe jednim božićnim poklonom.
petak, 8. prosinca 2017.
Lazy Sofa from NewChic
ENG: Hi, people... This time I order something different from online store NewChic. I need something cozy in my room when I want to read, so I find this Flocking Lazy Sofa - LINK and I order it in color gray. Also you can find 3 more colors: green, blue and pink. You can choose between child and adult size. Child type handle about 100kg and adult type about 200kg. Of course I took adult size. I already used it multiple times and it is really great for me when I want to read. Great find for me. Also on main picture you can notice Wooden Background, I also order that on NewChic - LINK. I it great for making interesting photography and it looks great on wall.
HR: Ćao ljudi, danas ide recenzija jedne neobične narudžbe sa stranice NewChic. Trebala sam nešto udobno u sobi kada čitam knjige pa sam pronašla ovu foteljicu na napuvavanje - LINK i naručila sam sebi jednu u sivoj boji. Također je možete naručiti još u 3 boje: zelene, roza i plava; kao i u 2 veličine: za djecu i odrasle. Naravno ja sam uzela verziju za odrasle. Za djecu može držati odprilike do 100 kg, a za odrasle do 200 kg. Već sam je puno puta koristila i mogu reći da je super. Zaista super pronalazak za mene. Također na početnoj slici možete primjetiti drvenu pozadinu, riječ je o pozadini za slikanje također sa stranice NewChic - LINK. Odlična je za slikanje i dobro izgleda na zidu.
Lazy Sofa / Fotelja - NewChic - LINK
Wooden Background / Drvena pozadina - NewChic - LINK
utorak, 5. prosinca 2017.
Pink and Roses with Zaful
ENG: Hi friends. Today I have winter ootd from online store Zaful. Embroidery details are still huge trend which I really love so I decided to order this amazing Embroidery Short Boots - LINK. They are really soft boots made of velvet material and has really chunky block heel. Roses details are really amazing and I must say that I am really in love. Really beautiful and stunning fashion piece. Another item from Zaful is this Light Pink Floral Sweater - LINK. Sweater is little bit cropped in front and has flowers, material is really cozy and nice. I love this light pink color, I think that it looks great on me. What is your favorite winter fashion piece?
HR: Ćao prijatelji. Danas imam za vas jedan zimski outfit s online stranice Zaful. Ovi vezeni detalji na odjeći o obući su i dalje jako popularni, a meni se osobno jako sviđaju, pa sam tako i odlučila izabrati ove plišane kratke čizme s vezenim detaljima - LINK. Jako su mekane, napravljene od pliša s debelom niskom petom, što ih čini udobnim pa nije naporno hodat u njima. Meni su stvarno vrh, jako zanimljive i upadljive. Drugi komad sa Zafula je ovaj blijedo rozi džemper s cvijetićima - LINK. Džemper je naprijed malo kraći i ima po sebi samo naprijed ove cvijetiće. Ova svijetlo roya boja mi se nekako baš sviđa za zimske dane, a i mislim da mi dobro stoji. Materijal je stvarno mekan i jako ugodan. Koji je vama modni komad najdraži za zimu?
Floral Boots / Cvijetne čizme: Zaful - LINK
Black Jenas / Crne traperice: Rosegal - LINK
Pink Sweater / Rozi džemper: Zaful - LINK
Sunglasses / Sunčane naočale: Cndirect - LINK
srijeda, 29. studenoga 2017.
Two Piece Set - Zaful
ENG: Hi, my friend. Today I am wearing one unusual outfit for me. I want to try something new, so I ordered this Two Piece Set (Top and Skirt) from Zaful. I chose black-white color combination, and you can also order this set in yellow-white color. I take L size and it is perfect for me, just follow size chart. I can tell that material is really quality and I need to mention that skirt has pockets. I wear it with black lace shirt for colder day and you can also combine skirt with another top and top can look great when you wear it with high-waisted jeans. Cyber Monday Sale is still on, so find something for yourself and use this huge sale + you can get free gift.
HR: Ćao, dragi prijatelji. Danas nosim jedan neobičan outfit za mene, željela sam isprobati nešto novo pa sam naručila ovaj dvodjelni set (suknja i top) sa stranice Zaful. Ja sam uzela crno-bijelu kombinaciju boja, a još na stranici postoji žuto-bijela kombinacija. Uzela sam L veličinu i meni odgovara odlično, samo pratite tablicu mjera. Materijal je jako kvalitetan i bitno je napomenuti da suknja ima džepove. Ja sam ju nosila u kombinaciji s čipkastom majicom jer je bilo malo hladno, ali je super ovu suknju iskombinirati s nekom drugom majicom, ali i top s nekim trapericama dubokog struka. Svakako iskoristite Cyber Monday Sale koje još traje i izaberite nešto za sebe po sniženim cijenama + možete dobiti i poklon.
Two Piece Set / Dvodjelni set - Zaful - LINK
Espadrille / Espadrile - PRIMARK
Lace Shirt / Čipkasta majica - Local Store
Bag / Torba - Dressgal
Sunglasses / Sunčane naočele - Cndirect LINK
ponedjeljak, 27. studenoga 2017.
Winter Wish List from DressLily
ENG: Hi friends, black friday sales is still on. DressLily has great deals and sales, so check them out. I already find so many great winter items, so I want to share some of them with you. I am big fan of sweater on winter time, mostly I like chunky sweater and sweater-tunic with some high knee boots. But this time I fall in love with this bell sleeves one that I can wear on a casual day with some jeans. I love this new bell sleeves trend and yellow, army green and brown are my perfect autumn/winter colors. Outfit can be perfect with some headband and par of warm boots. Also on DressLily you can find winter coats and jackets, I choose this dark green one, I just love all details.
HR: Ćao ljudi, black friday sales je i dalje tu. DressLily ima odličnu ponudu i akcije pa svakako ih posjetite i iskoristite sniženja. Ja sam pronašla odličnih stvari za zimu, pa sam ih odlučila podijeliti s vama. Ja obožavam džemperiće nositi zimi, pogotovo one ogromne džempere kao i duže džempere u kombinaciji s dugim čizmama. Ali ovog puta sam se zaljubila u ove džempere s volanima na rukavima koji se super kombiniraju uz obične traperice. Birala sam ove žute, maslinaste, smeđkaste nijanse koje su mi super za jesen/zimu. Cijela kombinacija može biti super uz vunenu traku kao i tople zimske čizme. Na DressLily stranici možete naći i odlične kapute i jakne, ja sam izabrala ovu tamno zelenu s odličnim detaljima.
Headband / Traka za kosu
Flat Boots / Ravne čizme
Bell Slevees Sweater / Džemper s valovitim rukavima
Dark Green Jacket / Maslinasta jakna
Baby Blue Sweater / Svijetlo plavi džemper
četvrtak, 23. studenoga 2017.
Rosegal Black Friday Sales
ENG: Black friday deals did not miss online store Rosegal. Rosegal has crazy sales and discounts so definitely check it out. Black friday sales start at 24. Novemer and ends 26. November, so you need to be fast. Best thing is that shipping is FREE WORLDWIDE. They make the biggest black black friday sale in 2017 and you can find so many different items; clothing, bags, shoes, home decoration, Christmas items...
HR: Black friday deals nisu zaobišli ni online stranicu Rosegal. Rosegal ima ludu rasprodaju i ogromne popuste pa ih svakako vrijedi posjetiti. Black friday sales počinje 24. studenog i trajedo 26. studenog tako da trebate biti brzi. Najbolja stvar je što je poštarina BESPLATNA za cijeli svijet. Napravili su najveću black friday sale u 2017 i stvarno je izbor raznovrsan: odjeća, obuća, torbe, dekoracije za kuću, božićni program...
Zaful Black Friday Sales
ENG: Finally the biggest sale of the year starts right now. This year I find great black friday sales on online store Zaful and sale already start, so be fast and chose great items for really low price. On Zaful store you can participate in huge giveaway and win 100 $ GIFT CARD, also at 24. November is FREE SHIPPING day and on selected items you can get 40% off. On this link you can find really great black friday clothing deals, I already have full shopping bag of items. Zaful store has really great deal that you do not want to miss, so check black friday online and enjoy in shopping with great deals and prices.
HR: Napokon, najveća rasprodaja je počela. Ove godine sam pronašla black friday sales na stranici Zaful, i rasprodaja je već krenula, tako da budite brzi i izaberite omiljene stvarčice po jako niskim cijenama. Također možete sudjelovati u ogromnom darivanju gdje vas mogu izvući za poklon bon od 100 $, također 24.studenog je dan BESPLATNE POŠTARINE kao i popust od 40% na odabrane artikle. Na ovom linku možete pronaći black friday clothing deals, ja sam svoju korpicu već poprilično napunila. Zaful stvarno ima odličnu ponudu, tako da ovaj black friday online sale svakako ne trebate propustiti. Iskoristite odlične cijene i popuste, kao i bespaltnu poštarinu.
utorak, 21. studenoga 2017.
Light Pink Velvet
ENG: Hi beautiful people, today I have one casual outfit for review. This time I decided to order Light Pink Velvet Bomber Jacket from online store DressLily - LINK. I combine this beautiful jacket with black pants and shirt so that this light pink color really stand up from whole outfit. I chose this amazing location with old stone house and beautiful pink flowers witch match perfectly with my ootd. I really enjoy taking pictures and use this almost last sun rays before this cold winter days. Definitely check this store and find really quality and great items - DressLily.
HR: Ćao prekrasni ljudi, danas imam jednu opuštenu kombinaciju za vas. Ovog puta sam naručila blijedo rozu plišanu bomber jaknu s online stranice DressLily - LINK. Ovu sam jaknu odlučila kombinirati s crnom majicom i crnim trapericama tako da se ova blijedo roza boja baš ističe iz cijelog outfita. Izabrala sam također ovu divnu lokaciju sa starom kamenom kućom i prekrasnim rozim cvijećem koji se savršeno uklopio u cijelu sliku. Stvarno sam uživala u ovom slikanju jer je bio jedan divan dan, pa sam iskoristila posljednje zrake sunca prije ove hladne zime. Svakako posjetite ovu super stranicu gdje možete naći kvalitetne i odlične stvarčice - DressLily.
Bomber Jacket / Bomber jakna - DressLily - LINK
Black Jenas / Crni jeans - Rosegal - LINK
Sunglasses / Sunčane naočale - Cndirect - LINK
Sneakers / Patike - Deichmann
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