ponedjeljak, 30. siječnja 2017.

Burgundy Leather Jacket - RoseWholesale


ENG: Hello, everyone. Today I have the most quality item for review, and I ordered this from online store RoseWholesale - LINK. Today I am reviewing this beautiful, quality and comfy Leather Jacket in Burgundy Color - LINK. I ordered this leather jacket in size L, and I am EU M (38) and it fit me perfectly. Color is pure perfection, if you want you can also order same jacket in black. Zipper is asymmetrical, and it has metal circle details, sleeves also has zippers and quality is amazing. This is definitely the most quality item that I ever ordered online. Package came very fast, like in 10 days, nothing is damaged or broken. Really pure perfection, huge reccommandation.  

HR: Ćao ljudi. Danas za recenziju ide nakvalitetniji artikal koji sam ikad naručila online. Naručen je s online stranice RoseWholesale - LINK. Riječ je o kvalitetnoj, prekrasnoj i jako udobrnoj kožnoj jakni u bordo boji - LINK. Jaknu sam naručila u veličini L što u potpunosti odgovara našem broju M (38). Boja je divna bordo nijansa, a može se naručiti i u crnoj boji isti model jakne. Zip je ukoso, asimetrično, na dnu ima ove zakovice, a i zipovi se nalaze na rukavima. Paket je stigao za nekih 10tak dana, nista nije bilo osteceno, ja vam od srca preporucujem ovu jaknu, znaci ogromna preporuka pogotovo kad je riječ o kvaliteti.




petak, 27. siječnja 2017.

Accessories and Make up - DressLily


ENG: Hi girls, today we have 3 items from DressLily - LINK for review.
First I will review brushes, this is (copy) of Real Techniques 4 Set Brushes - LINK. Brushes are amazingly soft and quality, I can tell you that this is now my fav brushes and the most quality brushes that I ever have. Set came with brushes case for safely and clean storage. Set contain: detailer brush, pointed foundation brush, buffing brush and contour brush. Definitely worth every cent, huge recommendation.
Another item that I ordered is this 15 Colors Makeup Palette - LINK. Palette is very pigmented, colors are mostly natural so I can use it for every day makeup. It contains 15 shades mostly: white, black, grey, beige colors. Package is black and simple and it is easy for storage and use. For 5 $ only I will buy another one for sure.
Lastly I chose Sunglasses with Black Frame - LINK. If you are looking for simple black pilot sunglasses this one will be perfect for only 2 $ you can not miss.

HR: Ćao cure, ide recenzija 3 artikla s online stranice DressLily - LINK.
Prvo ide od kistića, ovo je (kopija) Real Techniques 4-dijelnog seta kistića - LINK. Ovo su definitivno najkvalitetniji kistovi koje sam ikad imala, jako su mekani i stvarno odličnog kvaliteta. Set dodje i s ovom kao malom torbicom da ih je lakse čuvati a i idealno je za putovanja. Set sadržava: kist za detalje, puder, konture i korektor. Zaista set vrijedi svakog centa, ogromna preporuka od mene.
Drugi artikal čini ova paleta s 15 sjenila za oči - LINK. Sjene su jako pigmentovane, boje su poprilično neutralne, bazirane na crnoj, bijeloj, bež i sivkastoj pa se može i koristiti za svakodnevni makeup. Pakiranje je jednostavno crne boje, a cijena je 5 $ tako da se svakako isplati. Ima ih u 3 varijacije boja.
Zadnji artikal su crne jednostavne sunčane naočale - LINK. Ako tražite jednostavne crne naočale onda za 2 $ sigurno ne možete promašiti.






srijeda, 25. siječnja 2017.



ENG: Hi, girls... This time after a long time I have one more AVON product for review. This time I received this PERCEIVE perfume with specific smell. Main accords are: floral, fresh spicy, sweet, fruity... I really love the smell, this kind of perfume I am buying for myself all the time. Perfume contain 50 ml and normal price is 45 BAM but in this catalog right now it is only 31,90 BAM on sale, so definitely check catalog here: LINK. I am in love with the bottle it reminds me of iceberg and movie Titanic, which we all love. I do not now is it just me or you have same felling.

HR: Ćao cure... Danas nakon dugo vremena opet imam recenziju iz AVONA. Ovog puta riječ je o parfemu PERCEIVE koji stvarno ima jako lijep, zanimljiv miris. Glavne note su mu: frezija, ruška i mošus. Jako mi se sviđa miris, i sama kupujem ovakve slične cijelo vrijeme, mislim da su odlično pogodili. Parfem je od 50 ml i normalna cijena je 45 KM, dok je u ovom aktualnoj katalogu na sniženju po cijeni od 31,90 KM. Svakako pogledajte katalog - LINK. Meni se jako sviđa oblik bočice, izgleda mi kao santa leda pa me nenormalno nešto vuče na film Titanic, ne znam je li to samo do mene ili???


ponedjeljak, 23. siječnja 2017.

Gorgeous Jewelry Set - RoseWholesale


ENG: Hello people, new jewelry review is here again. This time all items are from online store RoseWholesale - LINK. I will present you here 4 gorgeous jewelry set.
First one is 4 pcs Jewelry Set Flower Detail - LINK. This set contain: necklace, bracelet, ring and earrings. It has small rhinestones around central detail piece and golden chain detail. Ring is adjustable and I am in love with this set, so beautiful piece.
Second one is Silver 2 pcs Set - LINK, this set contain necklace and earrings and it is decorated with pearls and rhinestones with flower and leaf details. Also amazing set with great quality.
Third is Green Layered Necklace - LINK. This necklace has 3 really amazing stones in gorgeous green color, it has golden chain and it is quite simple but really nice.
Last one is Golden Pearl 2 pcs Set - LINK. This set contain necklace and earrings. Earrings are made of simple pearl and necklace has golden chain and really gorgeous pearl and rhinestone mix. RoseWholesale has amazing jewelry pieces and the best part is that SHIPPING is FREE for whole world.

HR: Ćao ljudi, nova recenzija nakita je tu. Ovog puta sav nakit je naručen sa stranice RoseWholesale - LINK. I u ovoj recenziji prikazat ću 4 divna seta nakita.
Prvi je 4dijelni set s cvijetnim detaljem - LINK. Ovaj set sadržava: lančić, narukvicu, prsten i naušnice. Na cijelom setu na centralnim djelovima nalaze se mali dijamantići i kao zlatni zanimljivi lanac. Prsten je prilagodljiv, mogu reći da je ovaj set stvarno divan.
Drugi je srebreni set iz 2 dijela - LINK, set sadrži lančić i naušnice. Ukrašen je s malim kamenčićima dijamanata i perlicama i s detaljima cvjetova i listova. Još jedan divan set.
Treća je ogrlica iz 3 dijela - LINK. Sastoji se od zapravo 3 ogrlice koje su različitih dužina. Na svakoj ogrlici se nalazi kamenčić divne zelene boje.
Zadnja je ogrlica s biserima iz 2 dijela - LINK. Ovaj set sadržava lančić i naušnice. Naušnice su jako jednostavne, ukrašene jednim biserom, dok se na lančiću nalazi mix dijamantića i bisera. Najbolja stvar je što RoseWholesale ima BESPLATNU DOSTAVU za cijeli svijet.






subota, 21. siječnja 2017.

Floral Track Suit - Sammydress


ENG: Hi girls, one more review from Sammydress - LINK is here. This time like you can see I ordered this Pink Floral Track Suit - LINK. I really can tell you that this is perfect track suit for spring with a really great quality. If you are wondering about sizing you pick your number, I took size XL and it is really EU XL, so it fit to my mom perfectly. They are really true to size and pants are long enough for our people. Pants also has pockets and just one big stripe of floral pattern on the both size. Jacket is without pockets and has floral front and pink back. I am really happy with quality, and I can recommend this track suit if you are looking for quality and feminine one.

HR: Ćao cure, evo još jedne recenzije s online trgovine Sammydress - LINK. Ovog puta radi se o rozoj trenerci s cvijetnim uzorkom - LINK. Ovo je odlična trenerka za proljeće, nije baš debela, a materijal je jako dobar. Ako se brinete zbog veličine trebate samo uzeti broj koji inače nosite, ja sam naručila XL i odgovara našem EU XL, ima i elastina tako da je udobna. Donji dio nije prekratak već je dovoljno dug za naše ljude, nije za kineze nikako :). Donji dio ima džepove i ovaj cvijetni print samo na rubu, dok gornji dio je cijeli od cvjetnog printa naprijed i nazad je cijeli pink. Stvarno sam zadovoljna kvalitetom i ako tražite komplet trenetku svakako ima moju preporuku.





srijeda, 18. siječnja 2017.

Lace shirts and choker - Sammydress


ENG: Hi everyone. Today I have 3 reviews in one post, and all items are from online store Sammydress - LINK.
1. First item is really classy and fancy Black See.Throw Lace Shirt - LINK. I am really impressed with quality of this shirt and really nice details on sleeves and neck. You can choose black or burgundy color and 4 sizes. I chose size L and it fit me great, it has some stretch so it hug body perfectly. I am really happy that I bought this shirt, great item.
2. Second shirt is this Crochet Beige Croped Shirt - LINK. One the link you can find only one size for this shirt and it is said that fit from XS-M size, and in my opinion it is the best for M size like I wear. You will see how it fit me down bellow. This shirt is also see-throw and croped.
3. Last item is very popular Choker Lace Necklace - LINK. I am in love with this choker, it has 3 layered necklace. First one is beige lace choker, second is choker with decent flower details, and last one is a little bit longer necklace with heart detail. I can tell you that this worth every cent. Definitely huge recommandation.

HR: Ćao svima. Danas imam 3 recenzije za vas u jednom postu i sve stvarčice su s online stranice Sammydress - LINK.
1. Prvi artikal je ova odlična fensi crna čipkasta majica - LINK. Ja sam stvarno ostala impresionirana s kvalitetom ove majice koja ima i divne detalje na rukavima i na vratu majice. Možete izabrati na stranici crnu ili bordo boju i ponuđene su 4 veličine. Ja sam uzela L veličinu i super mi paše, nosim inače M a majica ima i elastina pa baš lijepo stoji uz tijelo. Stvarno odlična majica i super odgovara uz mnoge stvari.
2. Drugi artikal je čipkasta (više kao heklana) bež kratka majica - LINK. Na linku za ovu majicu piše da se može uzeti u samo jednoj veličini koja odgovara od XS-M, a po mojem mišljenju ova majica je za M veličinu najbolja, vidjet ćete na slikama uživo.
3. Zadnji artikal je popularna choker ogrlica iz 3 dijela - LINK. Meni se ove ogrlice jako sviđaju, dobijete 3 odvojene ogrlice u jednom. Prva je ogrlica oko vrata u bež boji i čipkastog dezena, druga ima detalje cvijetića i treća je malo duža s privjeskom srca. Zaista vrijedi svakog centa.




