ponedjeljak, 5. prosinca 2016.

Woman Set Suit - DressLily


ENG: Hi happy people... I have new review for you today. This time I ordered this Black Crown Set Suit for Woman - LINK. I chose size L ( I usually wear EU 38 - M) and this size fit perfectly for me. Look size chart on the page and by measurement you can find perfect size for yourself. Material is really comfy and quality, it is quite warm so it will be perfect for this weather. Both parts has really nice crown details in white color. On sleeves and legs like you can see set has tires. I am really satisfied with his set, and I can really recommend this items, so check out this amazing online store - LINK.

HR: Ćao ljudi... Danas ide još jedna recenzija. Ovog puta riječ je o komplet trenerci u crnoj boji - LINK. Ja sam uzela L veličinu vodeći se mjerama koje možete naći na njihovoj stranici ispod svake slike, ja inače nosim M i odgovara mi. Materijal je jako lijep i udoban. Oba dijela trenerke imaju ovaj sladak detalj u obliku krune i guma se nalazi na dnu rukava kao i na dnu majice i nogavica. Ja mogu reći da sam jako zadovoljna. Poštarina je besplatna i imate naručiti u 4 veličine. Moja preporuka, posjetite stranicu svakako ju preporučujem - LINK.




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