utorak, 8. studenoga 2016.

Leather Backpack and Wallet - DressLily


ENG: Hi ladies... Today I have one more DressLily - LINK review for you. This time, like you can already see on picture I have two leather items for review. First I will  write about Brown Leather Backpack - LINK. This backpack is only 12$ with Free Shipping, and quality is amazing. It is quite spacious and has 3 compartment. I am really pleased that I can find something like this for so little money. Huge recommendation, you will see everything bellow on pictures.

HR: Ćao cure... Danas opet ide recenzija sa stranice DressLily LINK. Ovog puta pisat ću prvo o ovom super smeđem kožnom rusaku (eko koža) - LINK. Cijena mu je samo 12 $ s besplatnom poštarinom, a kvalitetea je super, baš sam zadovoljna, ima 3 pretinca i poprilično je prostran. Stvarno od mene ima ogromnu preporuku, imaju ga u 4 boje, ali se jako brzo rasproda, pa požurite.  




ENG: Second leather item is Baby Rose Leather Wallet - LINK. You can chose between 3 different colors, and price is 7$ with Free Shipping. I need smaller wallet for smaller bags that I have, because my wallet is way to big for smaller purses. I am really happy with this wallet, it has nice details, enough space for everything. All items came for like 12 days, so shipping is really fast :)

HR: Drugi kožni artikal je ovaj baby rozi novčanik - LINK. Možete ga pronaći u 3 boje, i cijena mu je 7 $ s besplatnom dostavom. Ja sam trebala neki manji novčanik, jer one velike je nemoguće ugurati kada nosite manju torbicu. I s ovim artiklom sam zadovoljna, ima lijepe detalje i dovoljno prostora za sve. Sve u ovom paketiću je došlo za odprilike 12 dana, tako da je poštarina bila baš brza. :)





2 komentara:

  1. The babyrose wallet is really cute. Nice choice
    a sweet kiss
    Sara M.

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