srijeda, 14. lipnja 2017.

Short Sleeve Flower Dress - NewChic

ENG: Hello everybody. This time I order something from new online store called NewChic - LINK and I can tell you right away that I am more than impressed. I chose this Short Sleeve Flower Print Dress - LINK. Material is extremely quality cotton and it is really airy, dress has pockets and it will be perfect for summer days. Finally I find dress with short sleeves that is not to short for me, and this dress is little above my knee. You can order this dress from size 36 to size 50. I ordered size 40 (L) and I am glad how dress fit me. You must check this store.

HR: Ćao svima- Ovog puta ću vam prestaviti potpuno novu online trgovinu NewChic - LINK. I zaista vam mogu reći da sam više nego zadovoljna s prvom kupnjom. Naručila sam haljinicu s kratkim rukavima i cvjetnim printom - LINK. Materijal je jako kvalitetan pamuk koji je jako lagan i prozračan, haljina ima džepove i odlična će biti za ove ljetne dane. Napokon sam uspjela pronaći haljinu kratkih rukava a da mi nije prekratka, dužina je malo iznad koljena. Ova haljina se može naručiti od broja 36 do 50, ja sam uzela L (40 broj) i zadovoljna sam kako mi stoji. Morate pojetiti ovu online trgovinu, ima odličih stvari.

Colorblock Sneackers - Sammydress

ENG: Hi my lovely readers. Today I have Colorblocking Sneakers from Sammydress - LINK. I need to mention that package came very fast, in 10 days. Sneakers are black with white details, I took size 38 and it fit EU 37 so definitely take 1 or even 2 sizes up. They have quite large platform but they are really light and easy to walk in. They also sell black-purple and black-pink version. If you are running or do some outside activity they will be perfect for you. Definitely check Sammydress - LINK.

HR: Ćao dragi čitatelji bloga, danas imam recenziju jednih patika sa Sammydressa - LINK. Moram vam odmah reći da je paket stigao jako brzo, čak u roku 10 dana. Ja sam izabrala crne patike sa bijelim detaljima i uzela sam 38 velicinu sto odgovara EU 37 broju, tako da svakako uzmite 1 ili čak 2 broja veće patike. Imaju veći đon ali su lagane i udobne. Također je u prodaji bila crno-ljubičasta i crno-roza verzija. Patike su idealne tko se bavi trčanjem ili nekom vanjskom aktivnošću, ja svakako preporučam Sammydress - LINK.

Summer Flower Dress - Sammydress

ENG: Hi, girls. One more review today, this time I received this Flower Lace Summer Dress - LINK from online store Sammydress. I order this dress for hot summer beachy days so I can easily wear my swimsuit bellow. Dress is really airy and light, perfect for beach cover up. Dress is not see throw at all, it has nice blue and green flower print and amazing lace stripes also with flower detail. Length is just above my knee so I am pleased with that length and also dress is very stretchy. I am really satisfied and I pay only 6 $ for this amazing dress.

HR: Ćao cure. Danas ide još jedna recenzija i to ljetne cvijetne haljine s detaljima čipke - LINK sa online stranice Sammydress. Ja sam naručila ovu haljinicu za vruće ljetne dane pogotovo na plaži, tako da mi je lagan materijal i da mogu bez problema nositi na kupaći. Haljina je prozračna i lagana, ima plave i zelene cvjetne detalje po sebi kao i čipkaste bretele i detalj na leđima također u obliku cvjetića. Dužina haljinice je malo iznad koljena i haljina je jako rastezljiva. Ja sam jako zadovoljna i platila sam ju samo 6 $.

ponedjeljak, 12. lipnja 2017.

Human Hair Extension - Best Hair Store

ENG: Hi my lovely girls, today I have something new on my blog. For the first time I want to present you Human Hair Extension - LINK from online store Best Hair Store - LINK. For the first time I want to try hair extension and of course I want natural human hair so I chose Ombre Balayage Color 4/18# which match my hair color right now. I can tell you that costume service is absolutely amazing, they will help you with your hair color, with length and everything. Hair is just amazing, extremely soft and quality, you can normally wash it, dry, curl or strength; you can do what ever you do with you own hair, it is 100% human hair. My hair extension are 20inch long, 130 grams and I got 7 pieces: 1 pcs 4 clips, 2 pcs 3 clips, 2 pcs 2 clips and 2pcs 1 clip.Best Hair Store has really amazing offer, they have: Clip in hair extension, Tape in hair extension and Micro ring hair extension, so you can chose best option for yourself. Life time of this hair extension is more than 6 months if you properly care for them. In my package I received also 2 black comb for my hair extension, one is thicker with sharp bottom so you can easily split your hair and clip hair extension and another is normal comb so you can keep you hair extension nice and combed. Another gift in box are this large amazing false eyelashes for dramatic effect on party nights. I am so happy and satisfied with this package and Best Hair Store company. Huge recommendation!

HR: Ćao cure, opet jedna novost na blogu. Ovog puta, po prvi put, prestavljam vam Human Hair Extension - LINK s online stranice Best Hair Store - LINK. Po prvi put sam željela isprobati ektenzije pa sam izabrala pravu kosu tj. potpuno prirodne ekstenzije u ombre balayage nijansi 4/18#, ta nijansa u potpunosti odgovara boji moje kose trenutno. Moram odmah reći da im je služba za korisnike vrhunska, pomažu u odabiru prave boje ekstenzija, dužine i svih vama bitnih pojedniosti, zaista su ljubazni. Što se tiče same kose tj. ekstenzija, ja sam  oduševljena, izrazito je mekana i kvalitetna. Ekstenzije možete normalno prati, sušiti, peglati, uvijati,... sve zapravo što radite sa svojom kosom, uz prevu njegu životni vjek im je preko 6 mjeseci. Radi se o 100% pravim prirodnim ekstenzijama i ja sam dobila dužinu 20 inča, 130 grama gdje je došlo 7 klipsi: 1 od 4 klipse, 2 od 3 klipse, 2 od 2 klipse, i 2 od 1 klipse. Osim ekstenzija na klipse imaju i ekstenzije koje se lijepe kao i ekstenzije s mikro prstenovima (nova tehnika). Uz ektenzije sam dobila 2 crna češlja, jedan tanji sa oštrijim dnom da se lakše može podjeliti kosa za stavljanje ekstenzija i drugi obični za češljanje ekstenzija. U paketu sam još dobila i par umjetnih trepavica za dramatični look za izlaske ili za neku priliku gdje želite istaknuti oči. Ja sam jako zadovoljna s kompanijom Best Hair Store i zaista ih od srca preporučujem.